The Process

Marketing Concerns

You have an issue it may be due to Marketing, Customer Retention or not enough leads in your pipeline. We can help. Feel free to reach out to us. We are truly here to help.

Reach out 

This might be one of the toughest thing to do for your company. But feel free to connect with the digital marketing agency that will do more for you and your growth.


Zeari Digital Solutions is a Full Service Marketing Firm. and in the interview process we will listen to your goals, concerns, and issues and we will also figure out if we will make a great team if not we can refer you to another agency.

Partner Agreement

After we complete our trial period and we both see Value in a partnership then we agree on terms. We are an Exclusive Marketing / Digital Solutions Firm and Everything we do is confidential. 

Marketing You Can Depend On 

Website Accessibility 

Lawsuits are up the ADA in on a mission since 2012, Covid-19 has slowed them down BUT please understand they are ready to attack.

Pay Per Click

Our Ads department is highly capable of delivering on your Pay Per Click campaigns. May it be thru Google, Bing etcetera.

Profit Launch

Our profit launch program is designed for established business that needs that extra boost increasing their pipeline.

Social Media Marketing

From Friendster to Myspace to Facebook, Twitter, IG. From Vine to Musically to Snapchat to Tiktok. Social media has changed and will continue to change leave it to us to weather the deep sea of the social media scene.

Would you like an 5x increase in your Pipeline?

Yes! Let's Do It!

Make Outreach and Integrations Easy.

Here are a couple Saas Programs that we use and know that you will benefit from.